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Wei qing kuang die / 危情狂蝶

Wei qing kuang die / 危情狂蝶

Actors:Qing Han / Yanmei Wang / Dan Wu /

Category:Story Director:Xiaolu Qiang /

Year:1994 Updated:2012-10-23 22:19:09 

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Story about: Wei qing kuang die / 危情狂蝶
    Story movie < Wei qing kuang die / 危情狂蝶 >
    Director:Xiaolu Qiang /
    Stars:Qing Han / Yanmei Wang / Dan Wu /

    The sister of a dead car thief wants to avenge her brother.

    Car theft group big boss magnum in crime scene has been found, for the gunmen killed resisting arrest. Dream bright swore to avenge his brother. She is convinced, and dream dragon just willowherb told a secret, and ordered Valentine Lin Peng to fireweed, waiting for an opportunity to kill her. Fireweed is paging operator, and grandpa. Lin Peng pretended to be a kind man to approach her, pure willowherb and his friends. Willowherb take Lin Peng to the hospital to visit a sick Grandpa, Grandpa Lin Peng was recognized as a member of a criminal gang, to cut off the relationship between Lin Peng and catherine. Dream bright a total fail, and which associates curly and mistress tortures willowherb sick Grandpa, intimidation of zanthoxylum. In the middle of the night by a mistress of Chamaenerion angustifolium and stopped. She hurried to the hospital, found grandpa has given up the ghost, a pull to the grandfather of the oxygen tube. Lin Peng love the fireweed in grandfather's death more attached to Lin Peng, and Lin Peng has an opportunity to go to her. Dream bright hand ordered Lin Peng to start as soon as possible, hand pushing curly and mistress to kidnap the fireweed. In contact with the fireweed, Lin Peng gradually discover fireweed pure and innocent, for her love. Willowherb inadvertently found on Lin Peng and Mr like tattoos, very surprised, hurried away. The result is curly and mistress hijack. Just before they kill Shan r blue pinch, Lin Peng came to rescue willow herb. In the dense vegetation of the lumber yard, Lin Peng to the willow-herb out of his dream, to prevent divulgence of one's secrets for revenge plot. Catherine had not thought she loved but make every attempt to kill her, grief and indignation of the machine, take the road to escape. Lin Peng talked to the cliff, willow herb Lin Peng out as soon as possible criminal group. Lin Peng shilly-shally, take it all in the eyes of the dream gorgeous appearance, she love hate interweaves, crazy thrust a dagger into Lin Peng 's belly, then on to come to the rescue of Lin Peng's willowherb, will willowherb down well. Lin Peng finally realized this great fire. Recognize dream gorgeous appearance, he Renzhaojutong, and dream Yan fight, rescued the willow-herb, castigated the crazy dream yan. A pair of lovers take escape from death, finally came out from the dream. The film through a innocent girl and several criminals in the interest, emotion and the Revenge of the conflict, the criminal mind makes a profound description.

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